Your hosts begin with a word of catching up after not being in the studio for a while.


Starting with the shocking events of the resurrection, we quickly review the scene at the empty tomb and instructions for the disciples.
In particular, we refer to Luke 24 and John 20 where the most descriptive events after the resurrection are recorded.
To review, we discuss the women finding the empty tomb, and how they were instructed by the angel to tell the disciples. Peter and John run to verify the tomb is empty. Note: in the episode, Keith refers to James and John going to the tomb. This is an error. He intended to correctly state that it was Peter and John. There is a matter of confusion when Matthew instructs them to go to galilee to wait for Jesus. All the other gospel writers seem to imply they were all still gathered in Jerusalem when Jesus appeared to them. However, John states they went to their own homes, presumably this would be in galilee. Luke implies they met with Jesus the same evening.

Jesus in a purple robe, reaching out.

John records that Mary Magdalene lingers at the tomb for an encounter with Jesus, thinking of him to be the gardener. John 20:11-18, ending with her instructing the disciples.

John 20:17-18 NASB

17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, `I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God. ´”
18 Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and that He had said these things to her.

Turning to Luke 24, Nathan reads from the NKJV. So far, the empty tomb has been witnessed by women and a couple of disciples.
Some women have encountered angels, but only Mary Magdalene has encountered Jesus in person. This is about to change.


A village named Emmaus is about seven miles from Jerusalem. Two Disciples were making the half-day journey. Somewhere along the way, they met a stranger who seemed to be clueless about the recent injustice done over the Passover. The two men were not part of the 12, but Jesus had other followers. All we know is that one of them was named Cleopas.

They described their hope that Jesus would be the promised one who would establish the new kingdom. They told about the women and disciples who witnessed the empty tomb and visions of angels. Jesus taught them all about the prophecies concerning the Messiah from Moses through all the prophets. Their hearts burned in them as they were taught. The travelers reached their destination, but this stranger indicated he would go farther with them.
it was coming up in the evening so they asked him to stay. He did. He blessed food, ate it, and their eyes were opened as to who he was.

They were so excited over the encounter with the risen Jesus, they made the 7-mile journey back to the disciples in Jerusalem.

breads, challah, food, Judaism, Photographs, religion
“Used with permission from Microsoft.”

Jesus appears to the gathered disciples to address doubts and hesitancies. The first word Luke records are to have peace. Matthew writes that the risen Jesus claims he has authority over all things. To prove his humanity, Luke includes that he also ate with the disciples. As well as inviting them to touch and examine him. Nathan reads Luke 24:36
doubts motivated by fear turned to doubts motivated by joy. Thee has risen Jesus is too good to be true~!

John also places the disciples in Jerusalem on the same evening. with Thomas absent until 8 days later. We read and discuss John 20:19-20.
Jesus wished them peace, proved his humanity by showing his disciples his wounds, and gave them their commission to be sent into the world as he was sent. He breathed on them the Holy Spirit, but a full baptism of the Spirit would come in a few weeks. When Thomas was told about the experience with Jesus, he laid out his demands on what it would take for him to believe it was Jesus.

Eight days later, Thomas was with the gathered disciples. Jesus appeared.;. The proof Thomas demanded was offered, to not only touch the wounds but to thrust his finger and hand into them. Thomas realized just seeing his lord was enough.

During these initial days after the resurrection, Jesus taught them and opened their minds to understand.
he explained his purpose through the prophecy in the scriptures. John 20:44-.

Dove of Peace.

In the writing of Luke, he describes the command to wait for the spirit.
Nathan goes right to the opening chapters of Acts where Jesus is taken up in the clouds and later the baptism of the Holy Spirit launches the church.



Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.–>

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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