About the Podcast

One trait in podcasters that I’ve discovered is that they often have several projects they’re involved in. The show they may currently be known for is likely not their original show, and many podcasts may have come and gone for them. Some podcasts lasting for a long time, while others shriveled after only a few shows if they even made it to the light of day.

The idea for Quest for Truth came about from a question that was asked. If you had only one voice, one message to tell the world, and you could only do that one podcast, what would it be. My answer was, the gospel. To me, the most important single message the world needs to hear, and understand. I still do other podcasts, but if I had to stop everything and focus on one topic, the gospel is it.

I knew I wanted to record with a co-host, and found Nathan Caldwell through a podcasting group we were both involved in. I wanted to focus on a target audience of people who are new Christians who really didn’t know what to do next, or those who are not Christians but who are wondering what all these crazy Christians really believe. A lot of people who claim they’re seeking the truth really aren’t. A lot of people are willing to cave in to the loudest voice out there, and go along for the latest trends in culture. All they seem to want is to have someone tell them their ideas are fine, and not to have to think for themselves. If you are really seeking for the truths in life, this is the place where we try to give an honest look at world views, and compare them to the Christian view. Truth is truth, and if it’s true, it will be true inside the bible and outside of it.

About the Web Page

After podcasting for a couple years, and trying out a few different shows, Quest for Truth had become the flagship show of my little network of podcasts. It made sense to give it its own domain. The search was on to find the right one.

Of course, all the obvious names were taken. Someone had either already grabbed them to do absolutely nothing with, so all you get is a parked page letting you know they want lots of money to release the domain name, or some other ministry group is using it. Conventional wisdom says its best to not use a hyphen in your domain name, but the search for relevant key words to use in a domain name that match the title of what the site is all about began to run slim.

Quest for Truth is all about the truth. Our tag line has always been about seeking the truth in life, so when I found those words were available, although with a dash in the middle, I grabbed them.

The Future for the Podcast

Who knows what the future holds? All we can do is plan. The timing is right, and just when the web site has begun, we are starting a new format in a new podcast. It had been in the planning for a little bit. The idea is to go through an entire book of the bible, one book at a time, and dig into it verse by verse. It’s an idea known as expository study. We hope that it won’t be just for the advanced bible reader. From the word expository, we got the idea to use the word expose as part of the title. The truth can be hard to take, and the easy thing is to bury it under the junk in the culture. Through this new show, we want to try to focus on exposing the truth, and confronting challenges that often arise in the face of truth.

What does that mean for the Quest for Truth podcast? We may not be able to present it every week, but between the shows there will be something hitting the site every week. Quest for Truth will continue to feature our more casual, humorous, and fun segments as we discuss the so-called truth of other world views. Serious bible discussion will be in more of the forefront in Truth Exposed, but there will still be Christian flavor in Quest for Truth.

We want to feature listener feedback, so don’t be hesitant to drop us a line. Even if you think it’s something we disagree with, our promise is to give your idea as fair a look, and represent you as well as we can.

We have had chat rooms in the past. There is still a link for it over at the HPN page. It would be great to hear from you, and show interest in opening it back up for some friendly discussions.


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