Before we get started into the deep dive of John chapter 16, Keith reviews a few points of context:

  • In this chapter, Jesus has spent some quiet moments with his disciples to teach them and comfort them.
  • He gave them warnings about what was about to happen. He didn’t want to have them stumble when hard times would soon come on them.
  • He wanted to let them know the Holy Spirit would come to comfort them when he had to go away.
  • He wanted to alert them of his upcoming death and burial.
  • As he closed his teaching, he assured them with some promises.

Prayer Promises

Jesus lets his followers know that on the day that is coming none of their questions will be missed when they ask him about them. It truly is God’s desire to answer all their questions. The disciples can ask because they ask in the authority of Christ. Because we are counted as believers in him, we can also ask for things that glorify God.

Up until now the disciples have not asked for anything. That is to say They have asked for nothing. Jesus encourages them to ask. He knows that when they do, their joy, or cheerfulness, will be complete. Not just complete, but crammed full. He knows that soon they will have the joy of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus acknowledges that he has been speaking to them in parables, but that the time for mysterious speech is soon to end. When that happens, he will be able to speak openly and plainly about the father. When it occurs, Jesus will no longer have to tell his disciples that he’ll ask the father on their behalf.

Jesus assures his followers that the father himself loves you.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Why does God love? Because as his followers, we both love and believe Christ. Just as the disciples did, we believe that he was sent from God with a purpose that extends to us.

Jesus came into the world. He was sent from God in a particular way, for a particular mission that no one else has been sent to do. Although he has come into the world, he is about to leave it and travel back to God.

Although Jesus manner of speech still seems to be a little veiled, His disciples respond by saying behold you speak clearly, (or bluntly). The disciples may think they understand clearly, but Jesus will have much more to teach once he is resurrected, and the Holy Spirit is on the scene.
The disciples could see firsthand and understand who Christ was. They acknowledge that he was a first-hand witness to see who God was. Their newly found insight gave them the faith to understand that he came from God.

Jesus answered them, maybe a little sarcastically. “So, you presently believe?”.

Jesus tells his disciples, behold the time is coming, and has come. It’s a time to scatter each and every individual. It’s a time for them to leave him alone to face his future.

As disturbing as that may be, Jesus closes his statement by the assurance that he won’t be alone. He’ll be with the father.
The purpose Jesus had in telling his disciples what they had just learned is so they could have peace. He knew that troubling events were unfolding, but he wanted his followers to be peaceful in their spirits. He knew that trying times and hardships were in store for his followers, but he wanted them to have peace. He wanted them to know that no matter how the world treats them, they could be cheerful with the idea that no matter what happens, he has overcome the world.

The bottom end selection

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