In a moment of review, Keith shares John fifteen: six summarize our previous session.

6 “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and
they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.

the idea of abiding continues with the concept of obedience and prayer. A Constant contact and prayer that deepens our relationship with Jesus. He grants anything we ask, because we begin to understand God’s will and think the same way he does. It’s similar to the same promise found in John 14:14. The proof of our abiding faith is in the fruit. A faithful, obedient life produces fruit. God is glorified when our lives display abundant fruit.

Love the fines our relationship with Christ. Love defines the relationship between Christ and the father. It’s our model for a lifestyle of abiding. Being faithfully obedient.

First, the cause. Obedience is keeping his commandments. This is what abiding is all about. Remaining faithfully in his will. Christ has set the example as he abides in the father.

Second, the result. Joy. Our obedience should be spontaneous and happy, not boring and burdensome. It will be a Joy and a strength we could not achieve on our own.

The theme changes a little bit to discuss the disciple’s relation to one another.

The command is to love. This is not the first time Jesus has made the statement. Unity is called for in loving one another. Primarily in Loving fellow believers

Jesus continues the thought by defining the greatest love. It’s not what you can get, it’s the full measure of what you can give. Who would you lay down your life for?

In the relationship that they knew, the disciples held a lower position than their teacher. In this statement in verse 14, Jesus elevates them to friends, or partners in his work. When you are doing his work, obeying his commands, we can be considered on equal footing. Friends. We are elevated to his level.

We should be willing to be the humble slaves of Christ. However, when we are obediently abiding, when we follow his commands, we are honored to be called his friend. When he elevates that status, we are included in doing not only his work, but the work of God. We can be confident in knowing that we are doing God’s work.

The disciples were chosen, summoned and claimed by him. They were appointed, purified, cleansed and thoroughly prepared to bear fruit. There fruitfulness would allow them to ask anything of God in the name of Jesus. Abiding and being fruitful is the key to have anything you ask from God.

Jesus assures and seals the promise of asking God anything, by stipulating they obey his command. Obedience is key in glorifying God. Once again, his command is to love one another, and to have a special unity among themselves. Being faithful to him we can be assured of producing enduring fruit.

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