we are once again live in the studio, as well as on life truth radio. We returned to our countdown of the 10 Commandments. Below…
Request 184 Christians Behaving Badly. (485)
Keith tries to present a short solo episode. He talks about certain Christian behavior and how believers ought to behave. He touches on common complaints…
Truth exposed 54 God’s Special People, John 14:22-31. (435)
Will be finishing John chapter 14 today. We get right into our study beginning with John 14:22. The conversation takes a turn when Judas, not…
Truth exposed 53 A Divine Relationship, John 14:8-15. (431)
After a brief introduction, Keith takes time to review: John 14:13-15 (NASB) 13 “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that…
The Greatest of All Is Love. (424)
Keith opens up with some dictionary definitions of love. According to the world it is a noun, any motion. When it is described as a…
Understanding the Humility of Love. (421)
Keith and Nathan take a brief look at the opening lines of first Corinthians 13. There’s a lot to unpack in the short amount of…
Truth Exposed 49 Strength in The Standard of Love, John 13.31-38. (413)
John 13:31-38 Turning from the events in the upper room and the departure of Judas, Jesus begins a discourse that might be more correctly placed…
Protectors of the Book 214 – Something About Love
Today we look at Jacob and Rachel… …and how to measure how much we love each other, the lost, and God.…