
Session 11

Acts 9:32-43

Memory Verse: Acts 9:41

God invites His followers to be instruments of His power.



ask for prayer requests and record them on the board.
Highlight folks who are sick or who have lost loved ones.
Open the session in prayer.


read the introductory paragraph on page 100 of the PSG.

God is still in the healing business.
Perhaps we don’t recognize His work patient because we’re accustomed to the lesser miracles of modern medicine.
A woman suffered a massive heart attack and collapsed.
When she awoke after surgery, her cardiologist explained a major coronary artery had been blocked.
Humanly speaking, the doctor saved her life.
The patient knew, however, that the Great Physician guided him and healed her.
In both cases, we should recognize God’s work and praise Him. (PSG, p. 100)



Direct attention back to the prayer requests on the board.
Emphasize that God does hear our prayers for healing
for those who are sick and comfort for those who have lost friends and family members.


Review the healing miracles studied about Peter in previous sessions.
in today’s session, God used Peter to heal one person and raise another from the dead.


God used Peter to provide healing and comfort.
His example reminds us that God still uses the prayers of His people
to make a difference in people’s lives today.


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