Your hosts, Nathan and Keith, have a non-structured conversation reflecting on what the past year has dished out and anticipate the new year.

Covid, vaccinations, vacations, a clean comedy podcast, work, church, and life changes. Dealing with depression, podcast production, but notably our other podcasts that are not part of the Life Truth network. Nathan’s YouTube channel, and audio drama. We now list a couple of the RSS feeds in our footer area.

We discuss the progress of our Luke audio drama, and Keith shares how he sometimes uses the dictation feature on his smart devices to crank out podcast notes. Most notably on his old-time radio podcast, see the RSS feed in the footer for more information. The discussion returns to changing churches during the covid shutdown days. Then Keith talks about his new Apple watch and the health benefits built into it.

Keith Profile Picture.

Where do we see ourselves going in the upcoming year?

Given the slow-moving nature of producing free audio dramas, using unpaid actors is always a challenge. Nathan tells about his progress in learning the guitar, and Keith tells why he has had to give up on some of the instruments he has some experience playing.

There have been some changes and updates to the website. A newsletter has been added. Go, subscribe now! There might be an occasional new category of podcasts being added to the site. A feature dealing with blindness and adaptability. If you want to see this happen, be sure to send an email, or comment in the show notes.

Voicemail: (401)753-4844

Nathan asks about the grandkids who are currently living in Church House studio with Keith and his wife’s new shoulder. You just need to keep an optimistic but realistic outlook.

We all have restrictions and limitations, but we need to keep on using our talents and abilities as best as we can to share the good news of the Gospel. That’s why we do what we do. Our nation requires Christians who are willing to take a stand. People need to know the truth of reality, not trusting in their fictional fantasies in their heads.

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