Keith turns back the clock for this request episode that first posted February 2018.

We take a trip to the days of old-time radio for this presentation, very loosely based on John 3. The account describes a teacher of the law who came to be taught by Jesus. This story focuses more on the imagined life of Nicodemus, and what it may have looked like to be in his shoes. We know absolutely nothing about the family life of Nicodemus.

In addition, the key passage the show tries to drive home is in being born again. A pivotal teaching in Christianity, and being included in the spiritual kingdom of God. The transformation that results could show up like it does in this story. Being born again is more than simply turning over a new leaf, or resolving to do better, or working on improving relationships. Though the story is just that, a story, the spiritual rebirth takes on affects in life that goes deep, and touches all parts of it. It has long lasting effects that reach into eternity.

Relationship is a big part of knowing what God wants from us. Living in community begins at the family and interpersonal level. start there, and expand relationships to all parts in your life, treating all persons with respect and love.

Here’s how it’s told in…
The Greatest Story Ever Told – A Man Called Nicodemus. Episode 265, aired on 53-11-22

The stage is set with a secretive meeting at a house in Galilee.

Naomi is a household servant who has been adversely influencing Nicodemus wife, according to him. Nicodemus is also having trouble with his relationship with his son, Jeremy, and his daughter, Elizabeth. The children prefer to hang out with the bad Roman crowd.

At the meeting Nicodemus acknowledges the miracles the Master does. What is the mysterious instruction about being born again? Will he understand the underlying spirituality, and kingdom it represents?

Back home Nicodemus still seems to strike fear, and seems to be incapable of loving. He resolves to take great effort to attain sympathy and kindness.

Though those are the outward signs, based on this story, it makes me wonder if he has truly found the inner power of the spiritual rebirth that Jesus tried to teach him about. It sounds like he’s still trying to tackle it under his own physical abilities. Later, we learn that Nicodemus played a role in defending Jesus (John 7), and helping at his burial (John 19).

He must have been convinced about Jesus. But did his family problems get resolved? It’s a story. We know nothing about his family, or if Nicodemus family even resembled the one in the story.

Featured in the show is a track from Country Gospel Music Association artist, Kathy Adkins: I Give You Jesus. Her songs are used by permission. Find out more about her online. at the Country Gospel Music Association

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