Your hosts discuss a hot button topic, the issue of abortion. Keith role-plays using the following top 10 arguments for Pro-choice. While Keith tries to present the issues as well as he can. No strawman arguments. Nathan counters the arguments with the pro-life viewpoints. Refer to the link below for the full article and arguments. Let us know what you think, and how he did in presenting this

10“My Body, My Choice” – Women have the right to choose what to do with their body.
• The foundation of all the rest of the arguments
• Nathan counters with the notion this discounts the body of the unborn infant

9Personhood begins when a fetus is viable.
• Since self-awareness, or autonomy begins around 24 weeks the fetus feels no pain yet. Even if it can survive outside the womb, it still the woman’s choice.
• With increases in science and technology, the date for liability keeps being pushed earlier. if personhood is to be considered when self-autonomy begins, it opens gray area for months or even years after departing the womb.

8Abortion supports the right to life.
• Everyone speaks of the right of the infant’s life, but what about complications that threaten the life of the mother?
• While this is a difficult decision, the statistics to support it represented a small percentile.

7The right to abortion is critical to gender equality.
• Women should have the right to be free from the responsibility of pregnancy, the same way that men don’t bear the burden equally.
• While everyone has equal worth, men and women share different rolls in parenting a child.

6Banning abortion risks illegal abortions.
• The fear is that in Banning abortion, there will be a return to the days of coat hanger abortions.
• Statistics are quoted, that have been proven false. This is not a real argument.

5Modern medicine makes abortion is less of a risk.
• The idea is that it’s safer to abort, then carry a child to full term.
• Again, statistics are quoted but have been proven to be entirely wrong.

4Abortion gives women the option to minimize their child’s suffering.
• In cases where a child has birth defects, it’s more humane than to punish the child to a lifetime of disability or pain.
• Again, a difficult decision. Depending on the nature and viability of life this may not fall under the classification of abortion, but rather a natural miscarriage. Still, this falls into the range of percentile statistics.

3Completely enforcing anti-abortion laws is impossible.
• If you can’t enforce the law, why even make one?
• Under this logic, no laws are enforceable, so there is no reason for any laws to exist.

2Abortion is humane.
• Being forced to have a baby, places an undue financial strain on the mother.
• When a child has two parents, financial strain is relieved. It would make more sense to work on developing a successful marriage, than forcing the life of single parenthood on a mother and child.

1Abortion is not a question of morality it is a question of providing options to prevent and mitigate risks in certain circumstances.
• Not everyone has the perfect life, and a woman should not have to bear financial burden alone. Not to mention medical risk, and ongoing demands of raising a child’s
• again, saving oneself for marriage before becoming sexually active, and working on growing that marriage will go a long way to prevent the situation. When two parents raise a child, it mitigates financial burden. When family members and others in the community come together to support raising a child, is further reduces the harmful situations this argument places forth.

See the full article here:

Top 10 Arguments in Support of abortion

Top 10 Reasons Abortion Should Be Legal

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