Catching a ride with Nathan as he commutes, Keith joins him for another discussion on the road. We continue our series on the 10 Commandments. Today we examined command seven on adultery.

Scribe or pharisee with law.

Nathan addresses the topic from the perspective found in Matthew chapter 5. the teaching of Jesus that states that adultery begins in the heart. Thinking about it is as bad as doing it. Keith points out some passages from Proverbs and Leviticus that define the dangers of this particular send. The passages describe the characteristics of those who participate in it, and the harsh punishment it carries.

One consideration that often is missed is the issue of having sex before marriage. Nathan gives us something to think about in considering Its close relation to an adulterous situation. Another complication that is addressed is the issue that divorce brings to adultery. Not only is marriage intended to end only with the death of a spouse, but it’s also breaking a covenant with God. As mentioned in Matthew and Romans, Divorce generates adultery.

we touch on the example of King David and the sin that ruined his kingdom. Although he was forgiven, there was still a matter of consequences. There are never any redeeming qualities with adultery.
As bad as it is, adultery can be forgiven. Take it to the cross of Christ. He has the authority to pay the price to redeem you, and the Holy Spirit has the power to transform your life.


Since we are on the road, your host mostly discusses this topic from memory. however, we’re joined by a Retrobot who manages to tune in to a mysterious radio station that helps supply scripture resources. Finally, as our commute comes to an end, we discover that not all policemen like donuts.

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