John 13:31-38

Turning from the events in the upper room and the departure of Judas, Jesus begins a discourse that might be more correctly placed as the beginning of chapter 14.

The events had begun that marked the end of Jesus life.
His glory, as well as God’s are the pain he would suffer to pay for sins.

due to the fact that God is glorified by the obedience, and payment on the cross that Jesus endures it’s glorifying to him. All this glorifying will come immediately. No delaying.

Time is short. Like someone in grief, the disciples will seek, but not be able to follow. The difference is the pharisees have no part in his kingdom, and no hope of following him there. The disciples would eventually follow, but not now.

Jesus new command: love. Specifically, love one another.

How do you do that? What’s the standard? What does real love look like?

Do it exactly as Jesus has loved you That doesn’t mean a soft, squishy love. Sometimes love has to set limits and be harsh. At all times, Jesus’ style of love is the standard for his followers.
Others should see love in a Christian, even outsiders. Love is our report card. It isn’t that love is found, but what kind is it? In what measure do we have it? If love seems absent, it may not mean that we are not Christian, but that we need to grow and mature. Truth can be harsh, even offensive, but to not speak truth is to be unloving.

At an earlier time, the pharisees asked this same question, “where are You going?” They were left with no answers, and were left to assume what Jesus meant. Peter may not have received any clearer answer, but if he knew what is about to unfold, his emotions might not have been able to handle it.

Desire is strong but we often underestimate how weak will power is.

38 Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a rooster will not crow until you deny Me three times.
Responding to Peter’s desire to fight for his Master, Jesus showed how well he understands the gap between intentions and the human will to carry them out.
A prophecy that shows how well Jesus knows the difference between our intentions and a weak nature.

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