To briefly review, Jesus encountered a man born blind and healed him.
The man was taken to the priests.
He was interrogated. Who was Jesus? A prophet?
His parents were interrogated. Is this your son? Was he born blind?

John 9:24-41

Spine of a Bible ca. 2001. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”

The religious leaders demanded of the blind man, “Give glory to God.” Besides the surface meaning, this was a call, to tell the truth. Their judgment was already made about Jesus, and their confirmation bias was unchanged. this man, Jesus, is a sinner.

The blind man was humble and honest enough to not presume Jesus sinned. Before this, he never knew Jesus. The one thing he was sure of was his healing.

The interrogation wasn’t over. As priests, they were also doctors. How did Jesus do this thing?

unspoken, we want to be able to repeat it. We want to know if any dark arts are involved.

the uneducated blind man made some shrewd observations of character. Previously they asked him about his healing, and they tossed him out. Rejecting him, they sent for his parents. He had told them all about the healing. They didn’t listen, but wait, maybe this time the reason is that they wanted to follow Jesus.

They reviled him. In other words, they vilified him. In their eyes, being a disciple of Jesus is their idea of villainy.

On the other hand, they saw themself as self-righteous followers of Moses.

After all, they knew that God had spoken to Moses, They could exegete scripture, and know about Moses, but Jesus was an unknown factor to them.

early church leader in a black robe and hat.

The uneducated blind man seems both amazed and amused at the highly educated religious elite. They didn’t know how such an amazing miracle have happened,

He presents a simple series of logical statements.

Fact: God doesn’t listen to sinners.
Fact: God listens to men who do his will.

the logic continues

Fact: A person born blind has never before been healed.

get ready for the big logical conclusion

33 “If this man were not from God, He could do nothing.”

Even the simple blind man knew enough to fit those puzzle pieces together.

The statement was a blow to their pride. At least they didn’t revile him as they tossed him out.

We have to stop here, but the story isn’t over. The blind man, although healed, still needs to confront Jesus over spiritual healing.

Keith Profile Picture.

In closing, we share some updates, recommendations, and behind the scenes happenings.

Free download of the audio book: Sorta Kinda Super Powered, by James Kennison.


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Thanks to the recorded comments from J Vernon McGee. His ministry and daily bible study live on through Through the Bible Ministries (

Scriptures in the show notes and episode are quoted from the King James Version, except when read by Keith, then it’s the NASB.

“Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995
by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.”

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