Jesus teaching on truth continues as he faces his accusers, and some believe him.

previously, Jesus claimed his witness was true. Not a physical truth, but an eternal truth, proved by his eternal witness, the father.

Minds blown. Their heads were stuck in the physical realm.

They questioned, “who is your father? Show him to us.” This was likely intended as a slur on Jesus having no physical father.

This dialog is said to have taken place near the treasury area of the temple. It continues through the end of the chapter, and Jesus continues revealing deep truths about eternal matters.

John 8:21-36

Spine of a Bible ca. 2001. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”

where I am going, you cannot come.”

My first thought at hearing this statement is very similar to the Pharisees. He’s talking about death, going somewhere where they can’t come.

But Jesus is often misunderstood at the surface level. He is going away, departing this physical realm. They will seek him, but apparently not very hard since they will die in their sin. He is going to eternal life. Sin prevents anyone from entering into that life.

“Surely, He will not kill Himself, will He?

A logical response, but wrong.

Jesus tries to shift some mental gears. He tries to point out their limited thinking. You are from below, you’re of this world. But there are higher, more durable consequences at stake.

Jesus sandwiches the answer between a dire outcome. Thanks to sin, there is no other end than death. It’s unavoidable. We all will die, eternally…

Unless we believe.

Believe what? That Jesus is the messiah. The chosen one to redeem lost sinners and set up God’s kingdom.

Isn’t their question a reasonable one? Who are you?They’re beginning to get the hint that Jesus is more than just a carpenter turned to be a traveling preacher. Why doesn’t Jesus just say who he is in clear language?

For one, the Jews had laws that prohibited a mere man from claiming he was a god. They were to worship God, and him alone. A law they took seriously. If Jesus, a man, claimed to be God, they would have all the ammunition needed to kill him on the spot.

So how was a man to tell the Jews that he wasn’t a man?

  • How about insightful teachings that opened old scriptural mysteries?
  • How about performing some miracles?
  • How about the consistent message Jesus taught about who he was, from the beginning of his ministry?

It’s faith that is required, not an injection of knowledge or experience.

Jesus had plenty to say concerning his accusers. Not a good thing. He had plenty to judge about them. You know… Judgment, condemnation, sin, separation.

He sticks to his message of truth. He was sent by the true one. Do they not get the meaning, that the true one is God? Jesus claims his message of truth is from him, and it’s a true message for the world.

They just didn’t get it. Is there any hope to have their eyes and ears open?

A word of prophecy. They won’t understand fully until the day he is lifted. Lifted by their hand onto a cross. It will take his death on the cross to wake them up to understand. Jesus is emphatic, he does nothing that God has not told him to do.

Jesus claims that God is never apart from him. They are in agreement on all things. Jesus is continually obedient.

The message must have sunk in a little. Some of them believed. Were they religious leaders, regular people? Some of both? It doesn’t say.

early church leader in a black robe and hat.

For the new believers in Jesus, he has their first message of truth. Don’t just say it, do it. A disciple isn’t just a title, live out his words. The proof is in how you live.

and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Johmn 8:32

It’s simple, knowing the truth sets you free. Free from lies, customs, and social norms. But this sparked a point of confusion about freedom and slavery.

These new believers came back with a claim that they were descendants of Abraham, and have always been free. Surely, they didn’t mean bondage to a human owner, did they? There were plenty of laws about the treatment of slaves, including countrymen in slavery. Not to mention the captivity in Babylon, or the current oppression of Rome.

Maybe they meant they enjoyed a type of freedom under God. Having the true religion bestowed on them, thanks to Abraham.

Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you,
everyone who sins is the slave of sin. John 8;:34

Here it is, the liberating truth. Sin enslaves.

Forget about governments, oppressors, systems, war, finances, or any other notions of what slavery is, or where it comes from. Submitting to sin makes you a slave to that sin. Freedom has nothing to do with nationality, race, or personal value systems. The problem is sin.

Jesus offers a brief word picture.

Slaves can enjoy the creature comforts of a household. They come and go, and might even come to the end of life in the house. In the end, the house isn’t theirs, and they won’t inherit it. The son is always the son, and the ownership of the house is his.

“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

Some heavy truths are lurking in this tiny statement. The son, the one true heir of the eternal house. The house belongs to him alone.
He has the authority to set any of the servants free, and if he decides to do that you are free.

But wait. Where do the freed slaves go? Is there a household for them to take ownership over?

Elsewhere in scripture believers are told they are adopted into the family. Joint heirs with Jesus. The believing slave has been redeemed from sin and given a share in the inheritance. Set free from sin.

Jesus in a purple robe, reaching out.

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Thanks to the recorded comments from J Vernon McGee. His ministry and daily bible study live on through Through the Bible Ministries (

Scriptures in the show notes and episode are quoted from the King James Version, except when read by Keith, then it’s the NASB.

Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

“Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995
by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.”

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