Before our expository look at scripture, Keith spends some time in some Housekeeping.

In our previous request episode on the Holy Spirit empowering the church, the word “it” was used instead of “he”. Sorry, it was a slip-up. Also, though tongues were part of the holy spirit moving on the day of Pentecost, we need to be clear that it is not how he works today, His leading, guiding, moving, and speaking come through scripture, and not through a mystical experience. . Even in the context of Acts2, tongues led directly to the gospel sermon that Peter preached. Not the focus, or main goal of the worship experience.

Finally, the closing info has our old, defunct web page mentioned. The other info is OK. Keith also shares a quick word on having a blast at the Cruciform Conference, and the chance to meet folks.

Spine of a Bible.
Spine of a Bible ca. 2001. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”


The Bread of Life sermon ended with many of Jesus’s followers walking away. Even the 12 elect disciples were given the option to go. Peter spoke for all when he said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. You are the Holy One of God”

John 7

Verse 1: The crowd had been on the way to a feast in Jerusalem. Though Jesus and his disciples had been on the way as well, he now lingers in Galilee. Why? He had upset the Jews, and he knew they planned to kill him. About 6 months had passed since the events in chapter six.

We address a problem involving Jesus’s seeming desire to avoid death, while elsewhere he tells his followers to not fear death.

Verse 2: The Feast of Booths (tents, tabernacles) was one of the celebrations that required all males to attend. This is in the Fall. Roughly in mid-October. It was a joyful celebration of thanksgiving and harvests.

Verse 3: His brothers. The natural brothers of Jesus. Sons of Mary and Joseph encouraged him to go and do miracles in Jerusalem. Were they afraid that Jesus was making things too hot for them in their hometown? They claimed that Jesus had disciples (students) there who would appreciate his miracles. This would be an ideal time for Jesus to begin his public ministry and market himself. The feast meant people from all over the nation would be there to see Jesus and his signs.

Verse 4: His brothers felt Jesus wanted, or needed, to step up his game, and to be known. Expanding his platform as it was. Time for a more national platform, The world.

Verse 5: Sad to say, but not even his brothers believed in him. Jesus closest relatives misunderstood his mission and identity.

Verse 6: Jesus’s time had not come yet, This was Feast of Booths, not Passover. His time. To die. To face wrath was not at hand. His timeline was on a divine schedule, not that of a random marketing opportunity.

What was meant by the statement “Your time? is Always here” For his brothers? To be near to death and wrath? Do you have a better answer? Drop me a line and let me know.

Verse 7: When we go along with the world, conform to it, society can’t hate us. However, when we conform to look like Jesus, the world hates us. Society hates truth. Especially the light of the truth that exposes its evil nature,

Verse 8: Jesus told his brothers, “You go. I’m not going.” What? Did Jesus lie? No. Of course not. The key to understanding this is in the Greek phrase behind the statement.

Spoiler alert>: He did go, but not with the public entourage.

A challenge to verse 8 goes into some detail in learning that Jesus told the truth. In brief, the word “yet” tells that the intent was to go, but just not now. Jesus also wanted to avoid attention, and go in secret.

Verse 9: Jesus kept his word, he remained in Galilee.

Verse 10: Jesus went, to keep the law for all males to attend. He was just keeping things low key, and going on his terms.

Verse 11: Sure enough, the Jews were looking for him and asking for him. If Jesus had gone in a public way, his family or others could be at risk. Why? Because The people were divided on what they thought about Jesus.

Verse 12: There was much muttering. Murmuring. Grumbling. The people wondered, “Is Jesus good, or bad for us?” Their thoughts and beliefs about him were divided.

Verse 13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of him.

A verse that needs no commenting. Ruthless leaders under the guise of their religion were a violent threat to keep people in line.

To wrap up, Nathan shares a quick word on not being ashamed of the gospel, or its name. Keith shares how his weekend at the Cruciform Conference almost didn’t happen and encourages folks to use our contact info about telling us what’s on your mind.


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Thanks to the recorded comments from J Vernon McGee. His ministry and daily bible study lives on through Through the Bible Ministries (

Scriptures in the show notes and episode are quoted from the King James Version, except when read by Keith, then it’s the ESV.

Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

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