Keith shares a topic that may be difficult for some people to take, but the truth can be hard. The ultimate goal is for repentance,…
Episode 13 – Life Truth Presents: A Clean Fiction Podcast
We interview Michael Wilhelm and hear an episode of his show, The Temp. We check out Lord of the Rings Online We introduce you…
Luke 16 Soil Explained. (433)
The conversation continues as Luke learns what the parable of the four soils means. Amos the farmer guides Luke through the words of Jesus to…
Life Truth Presents: A Clean Fiction Podcast (episode 12)
Today we hear from Jimmy David Robbins who produces Crimson Garnet right here at He has a couple youtube channels…
No Other Gospel. (432)
a devotion based on Galatians 1:6-10. Keith and Nathan take a few moments to get caught up on some of the busy activities that have…
Truth exposed 53 A Divine Relationship, John 14:8-15. (431)
After a brief introduction, Keith takes time to review: John 14:13-15 (NASB) 13 “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that…
Life Truth Presents: A Clean Fiction Podcast, episode 11
Today we hear the audiobooks of Crimson Garnet as done by Jimmy David Robbins. The series is at We also look…
Lest We Forget 1943 Educating Youth on Democracy. (430)
to round out our month of Independence Day related topics, Keith returns to the days of old-time radio. It was a common thing for our…
A discussion on the U.S. Constitution. (429)
In an interview with a fellow podcaster on the Christian Podcast Community, Keith has a discussion with Gene Clyatt. Before the month of July leaves,…
Scouting Out Citezenship. (428)
How does the BSA teach young Boy Scouts about American Democracy? National Level American’s Creed Pledge of Allegiance Flag Etiquette and History Community Level clubs…