Luke 4:1-30 Cast and drama. Luke, Hosea, Satan, Jesus. (sound of street or crowd noise) Hosea: Wait up Luke! Are you on the way out…
Truth Exposed 38 Faith vs Hopelessness, John 11:17-24. (365)
review Mary and Martha are mentioned elsewhere in Luke 10:38-42. There is also a possible mention in Matthew 26:6-12 and Mark 14:3-9. Jesus was a…
Request 242 Luke 7 Family
Luke 3:21-38 Cast and drama. Luke, Hosea the fisher, God, Mrs Hosea, young relative, Mr and Mrs Theophilos. Hosea finds Luke, and resumes his account…
Request 238 Luke 6 Herald
Luke 3:1-20 Cast: Luke. Hosea, a fictional fisherman who witnessed the beginning ministries plus other events in Galilee. John the Baptist. Voices include a crowd…
Request 229 Luke 5 Dedication
Luke 2:21-52 Characters: Luke, Mary, Simeon, Anna (optional as backgroumnd bvoice), Rhoda and Hanna (fictional caravan travelers) knock affect) Mary: Oh, its you Luke. I’m…
Request 220 Luke 4 From Birth to Shepherds
Luke 2:1-20 Characters: Luke. Mary, Gabriel, Shepherd. Luke: Thanks for meeting with me again, Mary. Mary: It’s no problem at all. Luke: I just don’t…
Request 53 and 55 – Passover and Easter Traditions. (364)
Interrupting our short series on the week leading up to Easter, Keith resurrects (pun intended) an early look we had in comparing Passover to Easter.…
Request 216 Luke 3 Visit with Elizabeth
Luke 1:39-80 Luke (door knock): Are you home today Mary? Mary: Is that you again Dr Luke? Come on in, and make yourself comfortable. Luke:…
Request 211 – The Adventures Of Luke episode 2: The Messenger
Luke 1:26-38 Luke: So that’s how John came to be born from elderly parents. Mary: Well, Elizabeth and Zachariah weren’t exactly elderly. Priests have to…
Request 207 Luke 1 Prologue
Luke 1:1-25 Background THEOPHILUS: Luke! Are you still in town? I thought you were already on your trip to Judea. LUKE: I will be, just…