Today we look at King Saul and a grave error he (and many of us today) committed. Play in new window |…
Truth Exposed 33 Healing Completed, John 9:35-41. (343)
To briefly review: Jesus encountered a man born blind and healed him. Jesus initiated the contact. Using mud and washing it off, the healing involved…
Truth About Lying. (342)
The 9th command is simple, but often abused and misunderstood. Does it really mean we should never tell a lie? Are there times when concealing…
Truth Exposed 31 Whether Its True or Not, I Reject Your Facts, John 9:13-23. (335)
To briefly review, Jesus encountered a man born blind and healed him. Mud was placed on his eyes, washed off and sight given. Friends celebrated,…
Truth Exposed 30 Spiritual Blindness, John 9:1. (330)
Some background and continuity. Jesus has just left the temple after his teaching during the feast of booths. He seems to have made some progress…
Truth Exposed 22 Is It Time Yet, John 7:1-13. (294)Truth Exposed 22 Is It Time Yet, John 7:1-13. (294)
Before our expository look at scripture, Keith spends some time in some Housekeeping. In our previous request episode on the Holy Spirit empowering the church,…