Some background and continuity. Jesus has just left the temple after his teaching during the feast of booths. He seems to have made some progress…
Truth Exposed 29 A Liar Like you. John 8:37-59. (326)
After the feast of booths, Jesus had been acquiring more followers as he taught in the temple, and now on his way out of it…
Truth Exposed 27 Validated Truth Standard, John 8:12-20. (319)
After his sermon in the temple, the furious religious leaders confront Jesus. Whether the incident with the woman caught in adultery is correct or not,…
Truth Exposed 25 Truth Clashing with Stubbornness, John 7:45-52 (307)
Without a lot of opening fanfare, Keith gets right to the focus of the episode, right after a quick promo for the Christian Podcast Community.…
Truth Exposed 23 Presenting Jesus. John 7:14-36. (294)Truth Exposed 22 Is It Time Yet, John 7:1-13. (299)
Jesus arrives at the feast and preaches in the temple about the authority of his teaching. The religious leaders are frustrated, and the crowd is…