John 12:20-33 We continue with the events where a large crowd came to Jesus right after his triumphal entry. The Greeks were Jews who visited…
Truth Exposed 42 Deciding to Triumph, John 12:12-19. (378)
A large crowd had come to gawk at the spectacle of the risen Lazarus, as well as Jesus. They lay branches in the road, like…
Truth Exposed 41 Real Worship and Fake Worship, John 12:1-11. (374)
In our short passage today, we have a snapshot of what real family worship looks like in the home. Our favored radio Bible teacher, J…
Truth Exposed 40 Turning Point, John 11:46-57. (370)
At the event of Lazarus being raised from the dead after 4 days, many believed in Jesus. However, some of them did not, and must…
Truth Exposed 39 A Tested Faith Pays Off, John 11:28+. (369)
We continue our study of John chapter 11. to review, Martha went to meet Jesus, while Mary stayed home in her grief. Martha knew that…
Truth Exposed 38 Faith vs Hopelessness, John 11:17-24. (365)
review Mary and Martha are mentioned elsewhere in Luke 10:38-42. There is also a possible mention in Matthew 26:6-12 and Mark 14:3-9. Jesus was a…
Truth Exposed 37 Courage in Facing Danger, John 11:1-16. (360)
Open your bible to John 1:1-16 and get ready for a powerful lesson in overcoming. First, some introductions. In his writings, John hasn’t mentioned the…
Truth Exposed 36 You Can’t Handle the Truth, John 10:22-42. (357)
Diving into John 10:22-42, we visit Jesus in the temple while he celebrated Hanukkah. Verse 22 states it was the feast of dedication. This winter…
Truth Exposed 35 Known by the Shepherd, John 10:12-21 (352)
Continuing to talk with the healed blind man who was cast out of the temple, Jesus had revealed his credentials. He described himself as the…
Truth Exposed 34 Beautiful Shepherd, John 10:1-11. (349)
Continuing to talk with the healed blind man who was cast out of the temple, Jesus reveals his credentials. John 10:1-11 Jesus begins an official…