The Truth

Session 3

Acts 14:11-23

Believers must declare Jesus to be the living God.



In your family, what topics are considered out of bounds at holiday meals?
Talk about why some topics may be relatively trivial
(favorite sports teams)
while others are more serious (politics or family grievances).



read aloud the opening paragraph on page 29.

What is the most volatile subject in modern society?
Many would say politics.
Perhaps the greatest dividing line in history has been the nature of Jesus.
Was He merely a healer and teacher, or is He indeed the Son of God and only Savior?
Jesus warned His disciples that even families would be divided by their faith or lack of faith in Him (Matt. 10:21-22). (PSG, p. 28)


why is Jesus’s identity controversial in our culture.



The gospel has always been divisive in some ways.
While it offers peace and salvation,
it also challenges our sinfulness.

Today’s study considers how we should prepare to demonstrate that Jesus is the living God-
and how we can deal with the various responses we will face.


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