
Session 13

Acts 12:6-18

Memory Verse: Acts 12:24

Believers can thankfully trust God in all circumstances.



read the introductory paragraph in the PSG (p. 118).

Why are many Christians hesitant to pray?
Perhaps some have difficulty seeing God as a good, loving Father because their fathers were neither good nor loving.
For others, it’s not that God has proven Himself untrustworthy,
but rather they have not proven Him at all. Jesus commanded believers to pray so we might experience His love at work
(Mark 11:24; John 16:23-24).
If we believe God is both great and good, we can pray with the expectation of faith. (PSG, p. 118)


Discuss why some Christians are so hesitant to pray when they have a need.
share why those reasons are valid or not.



Prayer is a powerful tool for accessing a powerful God.
Today’s study examines just how powerful prayer can be
when we pray with faith and with the proper motivations.


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