
Session 9

Acts 8:26-39

Memory Verse: Romans 6:4

Followers of Jesus obediently submit to baptism after coming to faith in Him.



If possible, post a baptism photo of yourself, a family member, or a friend.

Suggest that while some Christians take great risks to be baptized,
others approach the ordinance with trepidation.


read the introductory paragraph on page 82 of the PSG.

In many places around the world,
Christians are suffering intense persecution for their faith.
In those areas, the act of baptism can put a new believer in jeopardy.
Today, many persecuted believers submit to baptism
even though they might be persecuted as a result.
They understand baptism’s significance.
While we are not saved by baptism, it is important.
The New Testament teaches that baptism is both an act of obedience to Christ
and a public identification with Him. (PSG, p. 82)



today’s session will provide a closer look at the ministry of Philip, one of the seven servants who was chosen by the church in Acts 6.
his story will help us understand why every Christian
should follow Christ in baptism as an act of obedience.


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