
Session 8

Acts 6:1-15

Memory Verse: Acts 6:7

Serving others leads to greater kingdom work.



Talk briefly about the characteristics of someone who serves well.


the introductory paragraph on page 73 of the PSG.

Anthony served the best food in town.
He also served the town.
After years as kitchen manager, he knew nearly everyone, and everyone knew him.
He referred to the cafe as his ministry.
On his days off, he found ways to serve.
An elderly lady needed her grass cut, so he volunteered.
Soon, he was also cutting four other yards.
He considered it as part of his ministry.
Whenever people were in need, Anthony was there to help and pointed all praise to Christ.
His service revealed Christ’s love through his love. (PSG, p. 73)

share other personal stories of an “Anthony” they know.
Talk about the connection between effective service and the influence of believers and churches.



The events in today’s session occurred just before Stephen’s death,
so we’re still pretty early in the life of the Jerusalem church.
But the example we see in Stephen and his peers
reminds us that serving others produces great results for the kingdom.


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