
Session 5

Acts 4:8-21

Memory Verse: Acts 4:12

The Holy Spirit enables believers to speak with boldness



Write the names of two or three famous historical religious leaders on the board, starting with Jesus.


add to the list of names on the board.
discuss why each person is significant.
Jesus is not just a “religious leader.”
Emphasize that He is God and superior to any human leader.
Note the names on Pack Item 4 (Poster: Key Figures in Acts).

we have already studied some of these people-especially Peter and John.


read the opening paragraph on page 46 of the PSG.

If you knew your employer was engaging in deceitful and dishonest practices,
what would you do?
What if your employer warned you to keep quiet about it?
Understanding the difference between right and wrong is one thing.
Having the boldness to do what is right is something else.
When it comes to being Christ’s witness in the world,
we can depend on the Holy Spirit
to embolden us to speak God’s truth with confidence. (PSG, p. 46)

discuss how this scenario of speaking up
compares to sharing Christ.
