Session 13

Session 13


Genesis 50:15-26

Memory Verse: Genesis 50:20

Followers of God faithfully remember His plans and purposes.



direct attention to the words on the board.

mailed birthday card, email, tweet, voice mail.

Encourage the group to suggest what these items have in common.
they are all messages sent without seeing the person face to face. Note that this kind of message plays an important role in today’s session.


Jacob’s final journey was to Egypt to be reunited with Joseph.
when Jacob died, Joseph and his brothers buried him in Canaan.


read the introduction on page 118 of the PSG.

Making plans and following schedules are a part of everyday life for most people.
Some people are locked into their plans and become distressed when those plans don’t work out as they expected.
Others can just roll with the flow.
The Bible reveals that God has plans and purposes for all things; therefore, we need to trust His plans and purposes.
Genesis 50:15-26 indicates that Joseph finished life well because he trusted God’s plans for him and for His people.

Encourage a few adults to rate themselves on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being “hard-core planner” and 5 being “go with the flow.”
Direct them to explain their rating.



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