Keith tries to present a short solo episode. He talks about certain Christian behavior and how believers ought to behave. He touches on common complaints about Christianity like the situation of evil in the world, cultural issues that Christians seem to be against and more.

He is joined by David the Retrobot, and a surprise phone call from Nathan Caldwell. Nathan remarks on the passage: Romans 12:9-15. The Retrobots pitch in with a few observations about being a hypocrite and showing love.

We touched on points of out doing one another and showing love. As Nathan presents points about being slothful, David gets a little confused about the matter. Other proper behaviors Christian should have our zeal, enthusiasm and being fervent and showing love. Once again David gets confused and needs a little help understanding humans.

Christian should rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and be consistent in prayer. They should also be hospitable and ready for anything. Nathan underscores the need for Christians to properly take care of one another. David seems to get the point, but he’s a little skeptical. Keith has to set them straight on the type of hope that Christian should have, it’s not just a matter of wishing for something. It’s more of an expected hope and the promise of truth.

Christians have eternal security, but knowing that doesn’t always make life on earth any easier.

David begins to complain about how Christians only what to ask for money. As Nathan continues to read our focal passage, he talks about celebrating with our fellow Christians, and weeping with them when they are morning. Sometimes, Christians behave badly, and Keith shares how we should offer correction. In extreme cases, we are to leave them for God alone to judge them. Despite the best efforts, David still gets confused over certain points. Callie tries her best to keep him in line.

David thinks that Christians always act as though there better than others. Nathan continues to read the passage and points out that we are to serve one another with humility. We need to be people of integrity. We are to live peaceably with all men. Just because the enemy may treat us badly, it doesn’t give us the right to treat them the same in return.

Time is running short, so Nathan has to hang up the phone call. Keith offers some final thoughts to bring a few points together. He also reminds listeners about how to get a hold of us as we approach are 200th episode.

note: our 200 episode has come and gone. But if you have an idea for something special for episode 500, feel free to contact us.

Closing thoughts: Keith shares a motivational word, while the Retrobots share something fun.

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