We’re trying something new today. Nathan is broadcasting our podcasts live over https://life-truth.com/radio. If you’re listening live, you’ll be able to catch the podcast and it’s raw and unfiltered condition. If you wait to listen to it on the radio stream, you’ll get the cleaned up and edited version.

The topic of the day is hermeneutics. That’s just a fancy word to describe the art of interpreting Scripture. Here’s the outline we followed, based loosely on Andrew Rappaport’s 20-part series about hermeneutics. Which can be found on YouTube. Here’s a link to the first lesson: School of Biblical Hermeneutics Lesson 01

1. Purpose:

To correctly interpret Scripture.

To have a closer walk in the faith, and to be ready in defending the faith.

2. Obstacles

saved or not saved?

Churched or unchurched.

Which teachers do you follow?

How much do you study? (2 Tim 2:15)

3. Bible facts

Inerrant, every word as God intended. Infallible and original text.

Inspired. Breathed out by Holy Spirit.

Infallible, flawless, truthful.

Complete. Verbal plenary. Not every topic, but every word needed for faith.

Authoritative. God’s special revelation.

Trustworthy, in historical observation. Descriptive.

Eternal. Heaven and earth will pass away, but not a jot or tittle will pass away.

4. Authenticated by:

prophets. Jesus Christ. Miracles. Experience.

5. Bible study.

To provide doctrinal truth.

To study for proper interpretation.

Context. Never study just a Bible verse.

Holy Spirit illuminates.

Who is Speaking?

The Bible records many speakers. Not all of them trustworthy, even though the Bible is! For

example, quoting the devil for things we should do…not the best idea!

To Whom Is He or She Speaking

Sometimes history records conversations that are important from historical standpoint, but not

applicable for us. Example: The OT Jewish Diet. Another example Jer 29:11!

About What

What’s the topic at hand. Be careful not to try to apply scripture where it doesn’t apply. When

The passage of time may not change God, but it does change a lot, including how God works

with people.

Culture, Figures of Speech, Types of Literature

All of these are important to know and use to examine and interpret the text!

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