After a long time working around busy schedules, Keith and Nathan are once again live in Church House studio. Touching back to our old “Meet the Hosts” segment, we discuss some of our behind-the-scenes progress with various audio dramas we’re involved with.

Keith Profile Picture.

Main Topic

Reading through the first few verses of Ecclesiastes 7, we each comment on the contrasts between being wise and foolish. As much as we enjoy laughter and entertainment as human beings, living in the house of mourning may hold out a more stable lifestyle, and one with eternal durability.

It doesn’t mean we can’t experience laughter or the warmth of happy things. It means we shouldn’t dwell there in that happy house. To feed those desires will only lead to emptiness and self-destruction. In that house, we tend to lose sight of consequences for actions. Life in the mournful house doesn’t mean there’s no spark of joy in us. It doesn’t mean we can’t warm ourselves in the song of fools for a time. Just realize that life holds more than the things the voices in this world tell us.

Large billowing flame.
Billowing Flames. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”

The end is better than the beginning. Graduation day and the accomplishments patiently won along the way are better than that first day of kindergarten when your school career was a blank slate. Enjoy the path along the way. Live in the mournful house, don’t envy those who never leave their happy house of foolishness.

As for that spark of joy, as faithful believers in God, and trusting that Jesus is our savior and Lord of our life, it is a fruit of the Spirit. Read Galatians 5 for more fruit the Spirit gives to believers as evidence of his work in our lives.

churches with a rooftop with a cross.


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Scriptures in the show notes and episode are quoted from the King James Version, except when read by Keith, then it’s the NASB.

Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

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