Keith reviews a few points from his last session and discussing attributes of God. In particular that there is only one true God. He reminds listeners of the differences between an attribute and an activity before starting with the topic at hand.

In short, an attribute describes what something is, and activity describes what something does. There are many things that God does but we focus on a few, starting with God as creator. God has created the entire universe as we know it.

He is also Redeemer. While we find ourselves in trouble because of our sinful rebellion, he is faithful to offer a path to redemption for all who would turn to him and believe.

God is our preserver. That means he provides for us before we even know we have a need. He protects and preserves us from our own downfalls as well as attacks from outside forces.

God is ruler, or sovereign. He is the ultimate authority over our lives, his authority is even over any human governments that may rule over us as well.

The Trinity

The concept here is one that can be deep and complex. Keith spends a few moments to briefly outline what it means. For a more in-depth study of the topic will have to come back to this at a later date. In short, the important thing to understand is that God is one watt, and three who. There is one God, but there are three personalities, or roles that he presents himself in.

To wrap it up, Keith shares a few certainties about God. We can be sure that he is sovereign, and his character is holy.

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