if we want to be honest with ourselves, we don’t deserve to be part of God’s family. Yet he adopts us into it, and allows us to be part of it through the price that was covered by Christ on the cross. What can we learn about being a good father, when we compare that to our adopted heavenly father? Keith looks at several examples of how adoption was part of God’s plan from the beginning. Through those examples, we ought to be able to learn that we need to first be obedient, faithful children before we can model fatherhood to our own children. Scriptures read in the podcasts will be from the NASB, new American Standard Bible.

Abram had been promised to be a great nation. He wasn’t seeing it. He was willing to adopt to make it happen. Little did he know that adoption was God’s ultimate plan, but the time wasn’t right for that. When it seems that God’s plans aren’t working out in our life, be patient. Genesis 15:3

Nathan Caldwell Pops and to contribute some thoughts regarding Job, in his fatherhood to his children.

God calls us out from all the rest of the world. He demands that we be different if we expect him to accept us. This is a concept that’s expected in the Old Testament, but even for the Christian we need to be sanctified, holy and set apart from the world’s corruption. We can only be included as part of his kingdom because we are adopted into it through Christ. Christ is in no way aligned with the unrighteous, lawless, sinful or any other rebellious element. 2 Corinthians 6:17

We’re not born into God’s family. There’s nothing we can do to be part of it. It’s only a matter of faith. Remember that adoption that Abram tried to convince was the right thing? It would only be fulfilled in Christ. It’s only through Christ that allows us to be adopted in the family of faith. We become heirs according to promise. When we’re immersed into Christ spirit, it doesn’t matter what our heritage, social status, or anything else. Galatians 3:26,29

Every one of us is born under the law. That means are ultimate destiny is destruction. The fullness of time came, the time that Abram foresaw as adoption. Christ came to redeem and adopt us. He places his spirit in our hearts, which allows us to be in the family and call upon God as her own father. We are no longer slaves, employees, servants or any other role outside the family. We have status in God’s family. Galatians 4:5-7

His children, even those who are adopted, were predestined from the beginning of time. He chose the ones he wanted to be holy and blameless according to his will. What does this mean for those who are not predestined? Why are some not rescued from destruction? There would be no one rescued if not for his own kindness and grace, and to glorify him. Since no one knows who has been predestined, the best that we can do is to preach the gospel. Listen to the gospel. Respond to the gospel. Ephesians 1:5

for those who are now believers, and have been adopted, your status in relation to the father is changed. Ephesians 2:19

the door has been opened to Gentiles. That means those who formally were outside of God’s chosen people. All families, any family can now be included. It’s the mystery of God that Abraham prophesied about to include others through adoption. Due to the gift of Christ, we can all boldly come with confidence. Ephesians 3:6,15

We can come to Christ just as we are. Once we are accepted and identified as believers, we should do our best to prove ourselves worthy. Blameless, innocent and above reproach. We are only his children, because he chose us first. As grateful children, life in this world will not be easy, but our faithfulness to our heavenly father should be proof as we shine our light through the darkness of this world. Philippians 2:15

Why would God choose to adopt anybody in the first place? Again, not because of something that any of us do, but because it pleases him. It’s because of his grace shown towards human beings. It’s because of Christ. All things belong to him. All things are created through him. God demands a high price for rebellion. He provides that payment himself through Christ. He does not offer this price to angels or any other beings.

Through Christ, God became flesh. Because Christ was made human, he considers us as brother and. If he can trust God’s promises, his believers can also trust those promises. Christ’s death makes the power of sin and death powerless. His resurrection of course demonstrates that power. Hebrews 2:10,13

if God is such a loving father, and he loves his children who believe in him so much, then why do we go through so much suffering, persecution and hardship? Fathers discipline their rebellious children. Rebellious, that means you. Young children, and new believers alike fall into temptation easily. Endure the discipline. If God is not disciplining you, you are not his child. If you are posturing herself as one of his children, your illegitimate.

The concept of discipline from our heavenly father should not be strange. We all have earthly fathers who have disciplined us. They’ve done the best they could, for better or worse, but their manner of discipline is temporary. Our heavenly father disciplines us for eternal matters. All discipline seems to have no joy in it. When it’s over, it should strengthen us, build our character, it builds us to be useful and fill a purpose. Hebrews 12:6,7,9

God wants us to claim a special title, that of being his children. Our character is still being developed; our form is still taking shape. We need to strive to continue being pure, just as he is pure. Sin should have no place in us, because it is rebellion and unlawfulness to him. If it looks like sin, sounds like sin, smells like sin, it’s probably a sin. Don’t be fooled, there is no sin compatible with God. Practicing sin is of the devil, it’s of the enemy. Sin is the reason Christ came to pay his life.

If sin comes easy to you, or is appealing, or comfortable then you’re not truly a child of God. It doesn’t mean we don’t have continuing struggles. Two obvious signs that we are truly his children are that we strive to practice what is right, and we love our brethren. 1 John 3:1,2,10

Children of God can be assured that he is more powerful than the ruler who is in this world. It may not seem like it, but we’ve already overcome. We can test false spirits, or misleading worldly concepts. If the spirit is in line with proclaiming the gospel of Christ, then it’s one that is true. If it denies that Christ came in the flesh, died on the cross and rose again, then it is false. It’s antichrist.
When false prophets gain a lot of support from the world, and all its sinful rebellious teaching, it’s proof of their falsehood.
When followers of false spirits and world ideology refused to listen to the gospel message, it proves their error. 1 John 4:4

The true spiritual children of God overcome.
they will inherit his eternal reward. Revelation 21:7

The take away here should be that before we can be the godly fathers that we should be, we first need to be faithful, obedient and dedicated children to our own heavenly father. Once we reach that understanding, we can then begin to model the fatherhood that God shows to us, and demonstrate that for our children.

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