Fake gods include witches, mediums, familiar spirits, and spiritists. But they’re all just made-up things for spooky stories, right? You know, the realm of charlatans and phony’s, there all harmless aren’t they?

Maybe you would be surprised to know these things are mentioned in scripture, so they aren’t new concepts. They aren’t gods, but that doesn’t mean Wizards, and the charms they cast, can still be harmful in a relationship with God. Most of my notes come right from scripture, the NASB. In the end, I include some entries from Strong’s dictionary for certain keywords to give a little more depth behind those words.

Let’s begin by looking at what God warns regarding Witches or mediums

  • Don’t seek them out. You will be defiled by them. (Leviticus 19:31)
  • Doing so commits spiritual harlotry. God will set his face against you and will cut you off. (Leviticus 20:6)
  • The punishment is steep. You will surely be put to death. )Leviticus 20:27)
Spine of a Bible ca. 2001. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”

Leviticus 20

27 `Now a man or a woman who is a medium*1 or a spiritist*2 shall surely be put to death.
They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.´”

Deuteronomy 18

11 or one who casts*3 a spell*4, or a medium*1, or a spiritist*2, or one who (calls up)*5 the dead*6.

An early clean-up of witches comes from king Saul, although he had already fallen from God’s favor.

1 Samuel 28

3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him and buried him in Ramah, his city. And Saul had removed from the land those who were mediums*1 and spiritists.*2

9 But the woman said to him, “Behold, you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off those who are mediums*1 and spiritists*2 from the land. Why are you then laying a snare for my life to bring about my death?”

The clean-up proved to be short-lived. The dangers of bringing it back would be recurring, with later kings doing worse.

1 Samuel 28

7 Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek for me a woman who is a medium,*1 that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “Behold, there is a woman who is a medium*1 at En-dor.”

1 Chronicle 10

13 So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the LORD, because of the word of the LORD which he did not keep;
and also because he asked counsel of a medium*1, inquiring about it,

2 Kings 21

6 He made his son pass through the fire, practiced witchcraft*11 and used divination,*12 and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD provoking Him to anger.

2 Kings 23

24 Moreover, Josiah removed the mediums and the spiritists and the teraphim*9 and the idols*10 and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and Jerusalem, that he might confirm the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.

2 Chronicles 33

6 He made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-Hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft*11, used divination*12, practiced sorcery*13, and dealt with mediums*1 and spiritists*2. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger.

King with gold cup in a tan robe and cloak.

Though the Hebrew kingdom fell, the practice of consulting fake gods, their images, and all manner of ungodly worship, continued. Even foreign nations who worship fake gods will be confused in their efforts. There’s nothing good that can come from fake gods, and in the end, leads to an eternal grave.

Isaiah 8

19 When they say to you, “Consult the mediums*1 and the spiritists*2 who whispers*7 and mutter,”*8
should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Isaiah 19

3 “Then the spirit of the Egyptians will be demoralized within them; I will confound their strategy So that they will resort to idols and ghosts of the dead And to mediums*1 and spiritists*2.

Isaiah 29

4 Then you will be brought low; From the earth, you will speak, And from the dust where you are prostrate, Your words will come. Your voice will also be like that of a spirit*1 from the ground, And your speech will whisper from the dust.

churches with a rooftop with a cross.




‘owb — pronounced: obe

from the same as 1 (apparently through the idea of prattling a father’s name);
properly, a mumble, i.e. a water skin (from its hollow sound);
hence a necromancer (ventriloquist, as from a jar):

KJV — bottle, familiar spirit.

See Hebrew No. 1



yidd`oniy — pronounced: yid-deh-o-nee’

from 3045;
properly, a knowing one;
specifically, a conjurer;
(by implication) a ghost:

KJV — wizard.

See Hebrew No. 3045



chabar — pronounced: Khaw-bar’

a primitive root;
to join (literally or figuratively);
specifically (through spells) to fascinate:

KJV — charm(- er), be compact, couple (together), have fellowship with, heap up, join (self, together), league.



cheber — pronounced: kheh’-ber

from 2266;
a society;
also a spell:

KJV — + charmer(- ing), company, enchantment, X wide.

See Hebrew No. 2266



dash — pronounced: daw-rash’

a primitive root;
properly, to tread or frequent;
usually to follow (for pursuit or search);
by implication, to seek or ask;
specifically to worship:

KJV — ask, X at all, care for, X diligently, inquire, make inquisition, (necro-)manner, question, require, search, seek (for, out), X surely.



mouth — pronounced: smooth

a primitive root:
to die (literally or figuratively);
causatively, to kill:

KJV — X at all, X crying, (be) dead (body, man, one), (put to, worthy of) death, destroy(-er), (cause to, be like to, must) die, kill, necro(-manner), X must needs, slay, X surely, X very suddenly, X in (no) wise.



tsaphaph — pronounced: saw-faf’

a primitive root;
to coo or chirp (as a bird):

KJV — chatter, peep, whisper.



Hagar — pronounced: daw-gaw’

a primitive root (compare 1901);
to murmur (in pleasure or anger);
by implication, to ponder:

KJV — imagine, meditate, mourn, mutter, roar, X sore, speak, study, talk, utter.

See Hebrew No. 1901



tªraphiym — pronounced: her-aw-feme’

plural form 7495;
a healer;
Teraphim (singular or plural) a family idol:

KJV — idols(-try), images, teraphim.



gilluwl — pronounced: Ghil-lool’ or (shortened) gill Ghil-lool’;

from 1556;
properly, a log (as round);
by implication, an idol:

KJV — idol.

See Hebrew No. 1556

See Hebrew No. 7495



`anan — pronounced: aw-nan’

a primitive root;
to cover;
used only as a denominative from 6051, to cloud over;
figuratively, to act covertly, i.e. practice magic:

KJV — X bring enchanter, Meonemin, observe(-r of) times, soothsayer, sorcerer.

See Hebrew No. 6051




Transliterated: nachash Phonetic: naw-hash

Text: a primitive root; !` properly, to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; !` generally, to prognosticate: !`KJV X certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) X enchantment, learn by experience, X indeed, diligently observe.




Transliterated: kasha Phonetic: kaw-shaft

Text: a primitive root; !` properly, to whisper a spell, i.e. to chant or practice magic:

KJV sorcerer, (use) witch(-craft).


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Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

“Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995
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