A battle of morality and social reform is blazing through the land. Accusers claim that CRT (Critical Race Theory) should be banned from schools since it teaches racism and hate. Defenders of it claim it’s a high level legal framework and is in no way being taught to grade school kids. Others say they will teach it even if it is banned, because without it kids won’t be taught such things as
social diversity, reconciliation and equity of outcome.

Keith Profile Picture.

Keith is joined in the studio by Chris the Wild Moose as we discuss 8 points that the CRT framework teaches. The full theory has 2 main tenants:
1. That racism is the norm and everybody is racist.
2. That only the oppressed can judge what racism is, and to gain power over the oppressor.

Here is a summarized list of the 2 main points and some of the remaining 9 tenants that CRT teaches. Based on notes from a recent podcast on the Charlie Kirk Show, the Surprising way CRT may save America.

CRT Believes:

  1. Racism is present in every aspect of life.
  2. Interest convergence, intersectionality. Don’t trust white people trying to make racism better. Opportunity is only given to blacks, because they are only acting in selfish interest of self preservation.
  3. Any free society is the problem, and should be dismantled. Replaced with something only they control.
  4. Race is a social construct. No individuals, but members of your tribe, based on how you look. Matters you can’t change. Character value of the individual doesn’t matter.
  5. Science, reason and evidence are white. Used only to know that story telling and experience are a black alternative. Abolish science
  6. Reject all possible alternatives.
  7. Anyone who disagrees is racist even black people.
  8. Cannot be satisfied. Moves the goalposts, changes the rules to suit itself. It needs to poison the truth and all known history, logic and science.

In the original Charlie Kirk episode, he goes on to outline how those in support of the movement are disingenuous in their use of history, facts and logic. In our discussion, we run down some bunny trails related to government and racism in our founding documents and flag.

People in front of American flag.
People in front of American flag. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”

We use humor in our serious examination of this legal framework, and notice that it really isn’t about analyzing laws. People who try to push it, really want the kind of social reform that goes beyond the letter of the law. They want a heart change. They want morality.

There is already a system that teaches morality, being good citizens, treating one another fairly and with justice. This system has a book of writings to teach moral practices on a level that is both profound and so simple a child can understand them. Sadly, this system has been banned in public schools for the past 50 years or so. Just about the length of time for legal changes to make advancements in racial equality and social reform. But with the moral side erased from schools, the legal change could only go so far before failing.

This moral system, if you couldn’t guess, is taking the bible and prayer out of school. CRT has elements of a religious cult. Pledges, anthems, calls to loyalty, calls to action. So, after decades of removing a genuine religious framework, society wants to replace it with a legal framework that is a poor substitute of a moral teacher.

As a legal framework, CRT fails, since it tosses aside elements of logic and truth for subjective experience. As a social or moral framework, it fails because it was never designed to affect a person on a heart level.

The gospel is indeed designed to change the heart. When a heart change takes place, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit produces fruit that no law can legislate.But

the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22,23 NASB

How do you legislate good laws, or social change for the good of all? If the gospel goes first, the good of others comes out naturally as a fruit of the Spirit. A law may not be needed, but if we try to outdo the other in doing good, do we really need laws? Only in an imperfect world, but the laws would be much easier to write and follow.

Mother and Son Reading Bible Together.
Mother and Son Reading Bible Together. “Used with permission from Microsoft.”

Here’s a couple of parting thoughts:

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; Romans 12:10
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:10

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Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

“Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995
by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.”

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