Keith strikes it out on his own with this solo episode. It was supposed to be a dialogue, but he does the best he can on his own. That is, until the Retrobots decides to help. Here’s the outline of how the conversation went.

The abortion issue

David: Are you for or against it? No? Good, that’s the end of our podcast. Q up the closing credits.

Just kidding, that would be too easy!

Popular viewpoints

  • It should be legal and widely available, with no restrictions, for any reason and any time during the pregnancy.
  • It should be legal, but restrictions should be set at some point during the development of the fetus.
  • It should be illegal, but allowed under certain circumstances such as rape, incest or when the life of the mother is at stake.
  • It should be made illegal and totally abolished for any reason.


Is having an abortion and immoral act? Why or why not?
What would you say to someone who holds the opposing viewpoints?
How would you counsel a woman in your congregation who has admitted to having an abortion?

Do you have any scriptural support for his stance regarding abortion?

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