Sermon taken from the story of the Pharisee and the Publican at the Temple.  Preached at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, AR, on 4-25-21


I would like to thank Karl Nordman for his work on the Protectors of the Book logo.  It’s been out for a while, but I don’t know that I thank him enough.


– The humble ask for mercy while the proud think they can earn their salvation.

  • We have to remember our vileness before God.


-Don’t delude yourself into thinking you are not valued in God’s sight.

-Do you think you’re too big of a sinner?  If God took the time to create you, then He wants to be part of your life.  You can still repent and trust Christ!

-Not only does God have time for children, but he has time for us!

-There is no decision so small that God should not be considered.

-There’s nothing in your life so small that God doesn’t care about it.

-God loves ALL of us.  God has time for ALL of us. And God wants to SAVE all of us!


-Is there anything we are more concerned about than God?

-A lot of people who have nothing at least have Jesus.  They have no distractions to take them away from the God they love.

-Without the conviction of the Holy Spirit, all of us were distracted in our sin, and we didn’t care about our need for a Savior.


-We must DIE to self, putting “me” way out of the way, putting Christ in the front and serving Him!

Jesus died for your sins, and then He rose from the dead.  he is the ONLY one who can fix your sin problem.  HE is the solution to sin, AND the solution to self!  Trust Him and ask Him to forgive you today!


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