Session 9


Exodus 25:1-9; 31:1-6

Memory Verse: Exodus 25:8

God desires a relationship with His people.

Children want to know where God is.
Honestly, adults have trouble answering that question too.
He is bigger than everything, yet the Bible usually speaks of God dwelling, acting, and speaking with humanity
in a single location because of our limitations to time and space.
I can be here now and somewhere else later, but God is always in both places.
Eventually God became a baby in a manger, a sacrifice on a cross, and a victor over the grave.
Ultimately, though, He did not come simply to dwell with us, but to prepare us to dwell with Him.

That’s the message of the tabernacle, and it still resonates today.


“Why am I having to learn this stuff? I’ll never use it in real life!”
Every parent (and teacher) has heard that protest.
Learning something you’ll “never use in real life” can expand your mind
into new areas of thinking or lead to new experiences you would have never otherwise considered.
Many people have stumbled into life-long careers because they learned “something I’ll never use.”
Sometimes, we find that we were able to use that information after all. (PSG, p. 82)



God had done a lot to teach His people things they needed to know-both about Him and about how He expected them to live. Now, He was ready to give them an object lesson that would remind them of His presence every day and His desire to have an ongoing relationship with them.


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