Session 7
Exodus 20:1-17
Memory Verse: Exodus 20:2-3
God’s commands are the standard for our lives.
They also point broken people to the God who will redeem and restore them by His grace.
That’s why Psalm 19 promises that His statutes are not a burden, but “sweeter than honey” (Ps. 19:7-11).
The Ten Commandments distill all of God’s statutes into our responsibilities toward God (commands 1-4)
and toward others (commands 5-10).
So, the very character of God is expressed in the Torah’s demand to love God and love others (see Matt. 22:37-40).
Do you ever wonder about the bizarre warnings that come with some products?
Reading those, do you think, What caused someone to think this warning was necessary?
Like the instructions on a lawnmower: Do Not Use for Trimming Hedge.
Or an iron: Do Not Iron Clothing Items While Wearing Them.
Companies include these types of warnings so they won’t be sued.
But you must wonder if someone tried these things first
and the companies added the warning to prevent somebody else from doing the same thing. (PSG, p. 64)
this session focuses on the Ten Commandments.
many people today treat these as bizarre warnings that are out of date,
but they still protect people from dangerous situations-
and draw them closer to one another and to the God who provided them.
These are probably familiar verses to most of us,
so we need to be careful as we approach them.
Study this passage with a prayerful and open spirit so God can teach you what He wants you to learn today.