Session 4

Delivered from Sin

Luke 1:26-38

Memory Verse: Luke 1:32-33

God sent Jesus to deliver His people from sin.

In both the Old and New Testaments, God reveals only one plan for salvation: Jesus the Messiah. He is the woman’s “offspring” in Genesis 3:15 and Abraham’s descendant through whom God would bless all nations (Gen. 12:3; 22:17-18). He was “foreknown before the foundation of the world” but was “revealed in these last times” (1 Pet. 1:20). The primary story of Scripture is God using Israel to prepare the world for the Messiah.

Luke’s first chapters are about the divine redemptive plan, but they also demonstrate God’s loving mercy toward two humble couples. God used these ordinary couples to introduce the Messiah to the world. As you prepare to lead this special Christmas lesson, consider the impact of “ordinary” people on your walk with Christ. Thank God for allowing you to cross paths with individuals who taught you about Jesus. And pray for opportunities to have that kind of impact on the lives of the adults in your Bible study.


Many people enjoy videos of deployed soldiers returning home and surprising loved ones. Unannounced, the soldier shows up at the parents’ anniversary celebration or steps from behind a curtain to give an award to their child at a school assembly. Usually, the surprise takes a moment to sink in, but the reaction is spontaneous and unfiltered-crying, shrieking, laughing-and always hugging. (PSG, p. 37)



Today’s session from Luke 1 focuses on some real surprises that establish the true meaning of Christmas.


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