Opposition Faced (Acts 14:19-20)

Encouragement Given (Acts 14:21-23)

Application Point:
Be ready to encourage others to remain steadfast in the faith in the face of hardships.

21 After they had preached the gospel in that town
and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra,
to Iconium, and to Antioch,
22 strengthening the disciples by encouraging them to continue in the faith
and by telling them,
“It is necessary to go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.”
23 When they had appointed elders for them in every church
and prayed with fasting,
they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.


the ways Paul and Barnabas strengthened the new believers.


note: the reaction Paul and Barnabas got in Derbe.
Note: how different it was to the responses they had experienced in other cities.



Paul and Barnabas encouraged the new believers
but were honest about persecution.
Emphasize that they did not say hardships were necessary to become a Christian
but that persecution would be a reality because they were believers.



Discuss why Paul and Barnabas appointed elders and how they did it.

Note that the young churches needed the insights of the apostles
to choose men who could provide strong leadership in a pagan culture.

Emphasize the role of prayer and fasting in that process,
just as it was when Paul and Barnabas were called (Acts 13:2-3).



Review these points from this week’s Bible passage:


Lead the group to suggest ways they can practically apply these statements each day.
Encourage them to pray for strength to meet the difficulties they encounter.


Encourage the group to answer the Apply the Text questions on page 31.
Talk about what makes sharing our faith so hard-and how we can embrace those opportunities.


Close in prayer,
asking God for more opportunities to share the truth about who He is-
and the boldness to follow up on those chances.


Reinforce the session by texting or emailing the group during the week. Challenge them to be sensitive to opportunities God provides to share His love and salvation with others. Remind them they have the prayerful support of others as they seek to remain faithful to God and His gospel, even in times of hardship.


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