Spread the Gospel (Acts 13:49-52)

God used opposition to spread the gospel.

49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.
50 But the Jews incited the prominent God-fearing women
and the leading men of the city.
They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas
and expelled them from their district.
51 But Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their feet against them
and went to Iconium.
52 And the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

Application Point:
The gospel spreads from person to person until whole areas have heard the good news.


record any words, phrases, or ideas that stick out in verses 49-51.

briefly discuss the persecution the missionaries experienced and how they responded.

Key Cross Reference

Persecution in Acts

While the early church initially enjoyed the favor
of many in Jerusalem,
that respect eventually was replaced by persecution.
This culminated in the attacks on the apostles
and the deaths of Stephen and James.
As the gospel’s reach expanded, the suffering followed.
Yet, throughout Acts, Luke demonstrated how persecution usually resulted
in the spread of the gospel.


Highlight the continued spread of the gospel despite persecution.
Discuss the significance of Paul and Barnabas shaking the dust off their feet.

(51) Just as Jesus had instructed the disciples to shake the dust from their feet when leaving a town where they were not welcomed (Matt. 10:14),
Paul and Barnabas “shook the dust off their feet” against the city leaders.
To put this in context,
entering the Jewish temple with dust on the feet rendered a person unclean.
Also, when Jews journeyed across Gentile territory,
they shook the Gentile dust from their feet as they entered Israel.
Here, Paul and Barnabas shook off the dust of a Jewish community
that would not accept their message of the Messiah.
This gesture symbolized absolution from responsibility
as well as leaving the defilement of unbelief behind them.




Review these points from this week’s Bible passage:


Lead the group to suggest ways they can practically apply these statements each day. Suggest that they look for ways that God is working to prepare others to hear the gospel.


Encourage the group to react to the Apply the Text question on page 23. After adults share examples of how they responded to rejection, lead a time of prayer thanking God for the opportunity of being Christ’s witnesses.


Encourage adults to use the Daily Exploration on pages 25-27 to dig deeper into God’s Word during the week.


Close in prayer, asking God for a spirit of joy in the face of opposition and wisdom to know how to respond.


Reinforce the session by emailing or texting the group during the week. Encourage them to be persistent as they share their faith. Remind them to read and reflect on the Apply the Text questions on page 27.


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