The Task

Session 2

Acts 13:42-52

Believers should be ready to share the gospel with anyone willing to listen.



describe hobbies or activities they enjoy in their free time.



read the opening paragraph on page 21.

Time management experts encourage balance
between vocation and avocation.
Vocation is what we do for a living;
avocation involves an interest or hobby.
People whose identity is tied to their vocation
experience an identity crisis when they lose their job.
Those who live to play sports may
go into depression if an injury ends their ability to play.
But a person who understands his life’s purpose as sharing Jesus
can find opportunities to fulfill his life goal
whether on the job, enjoying recreation, or just going about life. (PSG, p. 19)

Point out that
the activity in which we find the most fulfillment often determines how we feel about our life’s purpose.



As believers, our ultimate passion should be sharing Jesus with a world in need.
We need to learn how to do it ourselves and how to encourage others to follow that example.
Today’s study examines how we can be ready to share the gospel with anyone willing to listen.



Identify Antioch of Pisidia on Pack Item 1 (Map: Paul’s Missionary Journeys).
It was a different Antioch from Barnabas hometown.

Use the information in Understand the Context (p. 21)
to explain that John Mark left the team at this point.

Upon completion of their ministry in Paphos,
Paul and Barnabas set sail for Perga on their way to Pisidian Antioch.
Perga had been a colony of the Greeks, but by the first century, it was located within the Roman territory of Galatia.
John Mark, a relative of Barnabas who had started out on the mission, did not continue.
Leaving Paul and Barnabas, he returned to Jerusalem.
There has been conjecture about John Mark’s departure, though Luke did not address the reasons.


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