
Session 12

Acts 10:34-48

Memory Verse: Acts 10:34-35

Salvation comes to anyone who believes in Jesus.


Review the Plan of Salvation on the inside front cover of the Leader Guide.


Direct the group to read the introductory paragraph on page 109 of the PSG.

Inclusion has become a cultural requirement in education,
business, politics, and social settings.
The idea appeals to many people’s sensibilities.
Unfortunately, some groups misuse “inclusion” to mean endorsement and active support
of certain social ideologies to the exclusion of biblical worldviews.
Such applications are exclusive, not inclusive.
The most inclusive statement in Scripture says,
God “gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
God’s offer of salvation includes every person.
His only requirement is that people believe in Jesus with all their being.
Now that’s inclusion.

consider and define the word inclusive.
discuss when being inclusive can be helpful and when it can be dangerous.



Reminder, Peter had come to Joppa to raise Dorcas from the dead and was staying with a tanner named Simon.

Cornelius, a Roman officer. One day as he prayed, the Lord sent an angel to visit him.
his prayers had been heard and that he should send to Joppa for a man named Peter.

Meanwhile, Peter received a heavenly vision.
he saw a large sheet containing animals that were forbidden for Jews to eat.
the vision appeared twice, and Peter was confused
as he was reflecting on the vision, the men from Cornelius arrived
After spending the night, they all set off for Caesarea to see Cornelius and his household.

Peter arriveds. Cornelius bowed at Peter’s feet.
Peter: don't bow, I'm just a man.

Cornelius recounted the instructions he had received from the angel.


Peter knew God was teaching him something through the vision.
But he wouldn’t completely understand until he met Cornelius face to face.


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