
Session 10

Acts 9:3-16

Memory Verse: Acts 9:20

Jesus reveals Himself as the risen Messiah.



Welcome adults as they arrive and meet them at the door.
Dark in the room.
Encourage them to use the flash light on their phones to find a seat.


With the lights still out, direct the group to read the introductory paragraph on page 91 of the PSG using their lights.

Many people think of God’s calling only in terms of vocational Christian ministry.
A successful businessman who had led a sinful lifestyle repented and gave his life to Christ.
Thinking God was calling him into ministry, he resigned his job and went to seminary.
Later, this individual realized that God’s call isn’t always to vocational ministry.
God was calling him to be a witness in the business world.
God calls and uses people in all kinds of ways.


Point out that discerning God’s call can sometimes feel like reading in the dark.
Note that other times, God makes His plans incredibly clear.
share their own experiences of hearing from God.



Remind adults about the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch from the last session.


Encourage adults to pay attention to how Jesus changed Saul’s life
and to pray about how He wants to change them.


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