Grateful Suffering (Acts 5:40-42)

consider the joy that Peter and the apostles exhibited.

40 After they called in the apostles and had them flogged,
they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus
and released them.
41 Then they went out from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing
that they were counted worthy to be treated shamefully
on behalf of the Name.
42 Every day in the temple, and in various homes,
they continued teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Application Point:

rejoice with every opportunity to honor Jesus.


Note that while the apostles got a reprieve from the death penalty,
they did not go unpunished by the Sanhedrin.

40 Flogged:

The Old Testament limited the number of lashes to forty to avoid humiliating the person being punished (Deut. 25:3).

The apostles’ flogging is reminiscent of Jesus’s flogging
(John 19:1).
However, He was also scourged-which tore flesh and drew blood.
Jesus was mocked and ridiculed before being executed.
Jesus had predicted this abuse (Luke 18:31-33)
and told his disciples that they should expect persecution for His sake (John 15:20-22).



Despite the threats and beatings,
the apostles refused to be intimidated by the Sanhedrin.
They knew that God had final authority,
so nothing outside of His plan would happen to them.
They actually considered it an honor to suffer for Christ.

Key Word


The Greek word used here (kataxioó)
involves weighing something to determine its true value.
Jesus used it when talking about the end times
to describe those who were worthy of heaven (Luke 20:35).
Paul used it in a similar context in another passage that connects worthiness with suffering
(2 Thess. 1:5).
The early Christians were thrilled that Jesus had weighed their faithfulness and given them the privilege of suffering for His name.


examine verse 42
for indicators of the impact that persecution had on Peter and the apostles.

42 Every day:

believers are called to live and proclaim the gospel each and every day.

42 Continued:

Despite the leaders’ warnings, the believers continued to preach and teach about Jesus
they placed God’s priorities above the rules-and threats-of human authorities.

how should that should apply to our lives as believers today?




Review these points from Apply the Text on page 72 of the Personal Study Guide:


Remind the group that in some regions Christians are still persecuted for their faith. Invite suggestions for how your Bible study can support those who are suffering for the gospel.


Point out that Acts 5:32 is the memory verse for this week. Encourage adults to meditate on this verse each day during the week. Use these prayer prompts to close the session:


Research a website like to find a recent example of a church or individual who is being persecuted for their faith, either locally or somewhere across the globe. Email or text the group to share this story. Challenge them to pray for the situation in three distinct ways: 1)Pray for the church or individual by name; 2) Pray for their courage to stand firm; and 3) Pray that they will abound in joy.


Provide several copies of the Baptist Hymnal (2008) and lead the group in singing the first verse of No. 453, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” Affirm that these are familiar words to many believers. Encourage the group to read the second verse aloud. Point out that believers accept the role of pilgrims by sharing Jesus with others. Sing the third verse. Explain that the disciples in today’s session highlighted this attitude of peace amidst of stress perfectly. Challenge adults to ask God how they can develop this mindset as they study today’s verses.


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