
Session 6

Acts 4:36-5:11

Memory Verse: Romans 14:12

God holds believers accountable for their motives in service.



read the opening paragraph on page 55 of the PSG.

We live in an age of shifting blame,
making excuses, and
settling for quick fixes.
Accountability is often rejected.
Throughout the New Testament we see that the Christian life is not like that.
As believers, we’re called to a walk of personal responsibility and discipline.
The story of Ananias and Sapphira serves as God’s kind correction to His church.
God can’t be deceived, placated, or tricked.
His holiness and love work together to discipline His children, so we can be presented blameless before God the Father (Col. 1:22).

With responsibility comes accountability.
This is true in our jobs and in our families.
Employees who violate company rules are held accountable.
Children who break the family rules must answer to parents.
While good parents never enjoy handing out consequences, they want their children to know that privilege comes with responsibility.
God loves us like that.
He holds us accountable for our attitudes and actions so we can fully enjoy His blessings.



Today’s session is about accountability.
The contrast between Barnabas and Ananias and Sapphira is financial,
but we can apply these principles of accountability
to other areas of our lives too.
Keep that in mind as we walk through these verses.


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