
Session 4

Acts 3:12-26

Memory Verse: Acts 3:19

God places believers in positions to share the gospel.



read the session’s opening paragraph (PSG, p. 37).

Being in the right place at the right time can mean life or death.
When a former lifeguard was walking on a sidewalk near a beach, he saw a man go under a large wave and not come up.
Jumping fully clothed into the water to help, he reached the man just as another wave engulfed them.
Similarly, God puts believers in the right place to reach people drowning in sin.
We have the life-saving answer in Jesus if we’ll be ready when the opportunity arises.



We might be tempted to think some occurrences are just “happy coincidences,”
but God doesn’t deal in coincidences.
He plans every step of our lives out with detail.
In today’s session, we’ll look more closely at
how being sensitive to the Holy Spirit can lead to more opportunities for divine appointments to share Christ.


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