Unified (Acts 2:43-45)

44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common.
45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds
to all, as any had need.

Application Point:

demonstrate their faith through unity and meeting each other’s needs.


Direct half the group to listen for nouns in verse 43
and the other half to listen for verbs in verses 44-45.

Highlight the word, “awe” and briefly discuss its significance.


The Greek wording (phobos) can also be rendered as “fear” or “panic.”
However, Luke used it to describe a reverence or respect for God’s work in the early church.


(Wonders and signs:

The wonders in Acts were not performed for the sake of the miracle or miracle workers.
The apostles’ signs pointed people to Christ’s true identity and validated their message about Him.

Emphasize the relationship between the awe of the people and the miracles being performed.


explain how the early church practiced sharing and generosity.


Being physically present with one another is an essential aspect of Christian fellowship.
When a member of a person’s body gets separated from the rest of the body, it is a medical emergency and cause for alarm.
Immediate action is taken to make sure the separated member isn’t permanently lost.

All things in common:

The passage is descriptive, not prescriptive.
Though some may follow this example, their decision should come from a conviction directed by the Lord and motivated by generosity-not obligation.

we are simply stewards of His resources. As a result, we should hold all things with an open hand,

Distributed the proceeds:

One New Testament metaphor for the church is the family of God.
As we think about how generous we should be with fellow church members, we should keep this metaphor in mind.

The members of the early church stood out from the rest of the world through their willingness to look after each other,

Note that no government assistance programs existed, so the church determined to take care of its own-
which would have made a deep impression on the rest of the world.

this selflessness and sacrifice was yet another indication of the Holy Spirit’s work.



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