
Session 3

Acts 2:41-47

Memory Verse: Acts 2:42

Believers are united through a shared commitment to Jesus.



where have you seen churches doing effective work.


Point to the opening paragraph on page 28 of the PSG.

In nearly every sport, you can find teams that exceed expectations.
They may lack superstar athletes, but together they excel.
Players on exceptional teams unselfishly perform for the good of the whole.
Teams can fall apart if personal achievement becomes more important that the goals of the group.
What is true in sports applies even more to churches.
A church’s unity impacts the fulfillment of its mission.

While all humans are communal creatures and need contact with other people,
the work and ministry of the church is based solely on
the unique and finished work of Christ.
Christian fellowship consistently and constantly encourages others
to seek Christ,
to forsake self-reliance, and
to trust Him in all things.

share examples of sports teams that excelled because of teamwork.
why is unity so important to achieving results?


broaden their perspective from sports to other areas where teamwork is critical.
(construction projects, surgeries, the military, disaster relief, and so forth)



In the last session,
we saw how Peter’s message at Pentecost resulted in deep conviction and thousands of salvations.
This session examines how the church began living out its faith.


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