
Session 2

Acts 2:5-16,36-38

Memory Verse: Acts 2:36

The Holy Spirit empowers believers to point others to Jesus.



Briefly summarize the events of Acts 1,
highlighting Jesus’s command for the believers to gather in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit arrived.


A small congregation averaged twenty people on Sundays-mainly senior adults.
Worshiping in a small back building without street visibility, they wondered how they could make an impact for Christ.
They needed divine empowerment, and they saw it happen.
Without widespread talent, the members simply used their God-given abilities to serve.
Without the strength of numbers, attractive demographics, or financial wealth, the church ministered to multitudes of families throughout their neighborhood.
Their authority rests in the Scripture and Christ’s commission-and that is enough.
They are still small but are seeing God at work.

Encourage the group to list barriers that the church in the story experienced.

despite these barriers, the church was valuable and effective.



two critical elements identified in the PSG:
the authority of the Scriptures and commissioning on a Christian’s life.
the Holy Spirit can use these elements to make a difference in a life, a church, and the world.


Discuss the Spirit’s role in the lives of believers and the life of a church.
Explain that this session will focus on the arrival of the Holy Spirit
and the way He worked through the early Christians from the very start of the church.


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