Through Prayer (Acts 1:23-26)

words or ideas that stand out

23 So they proposed two:
Joseph, called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus,
and Matthias.
24 Then they prayed, “You, Lord, know everyone’s hearts;
show which of these two you have chosen
25 to take the place in this apostolic ministry
that Judas left to go where he belongs.”
26 Then they cast lots for them,
and the lot fell to Matthias
and he was added to the eleven apostles.

Application Point:

pray when filling roles of service.


Note that with the promise of the Holy Spirit and a commitment to prayer,
the disciples were strategically prepared to continue their mission.
Their first task was choosing someone to replace Judas.


create a process list based on the apostles’ actions.
Note that the apostles followed these steps:

  1. prayer (v. 14);
  2. nominations (v. 23);
  3. more prayer (v. 24); and
  4. casting lots (v. 26).

a larger circle of believers numbering 120 was involved in this process.


Key Phrase

Cast lots

After more prayer for God’s discernment, they cast lots to make the final choice.
It is not clear what lots were or how they were interpreted.
While it might seem like this was leaving the decision to chance, the apostles were actually relying on God to reveal His plan by determining the outcome: The lot fell to Matthias.

Casting lots is not an activity that we should commend today.
While there is Old Testament precedent

(1 Chron. 26:13ff),

this took place before the coming of the Spirit and the completion of God’s Word.
Today, believers have the Spirit, prayer, and the Bible to discern God’s will.

this was an act of faith,
as demonstrated by the apostles’ admission that they could not make a wise choice on their own.


Matthias was chosen after much prayer and consideration.
This is a good model for us to follow in our churches today.



Review these points from Apply the Text on page 18 of the Personal Study Guide:


Encourage the group to think about their personal spiritual focus,
the urgency they feel to be a witness for Christ.
Distribute copies of Pack Item 11 (Handout: Your Great Commission).
Encourage them to jot down a few names in each column and to add names prayerfully to the list in the coming week.
Challenge the group to memorize Acts 1:8 as they learn to stay focused on their commission for Jesus.


Close the session by praying for the group
to stay focused on God’s urgent call
to be His witnesses.
Remind adults about the importance of remaining alert
to God’s work around them and to cover everything they do in prayer.


Send the group a text or email during the week with the Acts 1:8 memory verse and a reminder to complete the Your Commission activity. Encourage them to evaluate how they feel about witnessing and to identify any obstacles that might keep them from sharing the gospel. Add a brief prayer, asking God to remind the group of His great gift, the Holy Spirit.


Play Casting Crowns’ song
“Until the Whole World Hears.”
Ask: What is the main theme of this song?
Emphasize God’s call to share the gospel around the world.
Encourage adults to share ways they share the gospel in their lives.
Challenge adults to use today’s session to learn more about what Jesus expects from them and to identify ways they can fulfill their commission from Him.


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