Session 12

I Am Joseph (Genesis 45:1-3)

the emotions displayed

1 Joseph could no longer keep his composure in front of all his attendants, so he called out,
“Send everyone away from me!”
No one was with him when he revealed his identity to his brothers.
2 But he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard it, and also Pharaoh’s household heard it.
3 Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still living?”
But they could not answer him because they were terrified in his presence.

Application Point:

Believers can rejoice over reconciliation with others.

Mini Lecture:

Understand the Context (PSG, p. 110), p

After remaining loyal to God through years of trying circumstances, Joseph was rewarded.
Pharaoh positioned Joseph as second-in-command in Egypt.
the stage was set for Joseph’s reunion and reconciliation with his family.
The seven years of abundant harvests were followed by famine.

The famine’s severity even reached Canaan, so Jacob sent ten of his sons to Egypt to purchase grain.
Joseph’s brothers bowed before him in accord with Joseph’s youthful dreams.
Although Joseph recognized them, they failed to perceive his identity.

Joseph accused his brothers of being spies and determined to test them to see if their attitudes had changed.
His test focused on Benjamin, the only other son of Rachel.
Joseph imprisoned Simeon until the others should return with Benjamin.
When the family had depleted the grain supply from Egypt, Jacob again sent his sons to buy food.
When Judah promised to take personal responsibility for Benjamin, Jacob reluctantly allowed his youngest son to accompany the others.

When Joseph saw Benjamin, he was overcome with emotion and left the room until he could regain his composure.
In accordance with Joseph’s instructions, his brothers ate the noon meal at his house.
They were astonished to discover they had been seated in order by their ages.

Highlight Joseph’s first encounter with his brothers and his demand to see Benjamin.

Explain that Joseph was trying to determine how his brothers had changed over the years.

Role Play:


consider why Joseph chose reconciliation over revenge.
think about people they may need to forgive or seek forgiveness from
and to determine steps they can take to heal those wounds.

Key Phrase

Send everyone away

Joseph demanded privacy for this personal moment as he revealed his identity to his brothers.
It’s possible that he sent his attendants away because he realized it was unwise
for someone in his position to freely express his emotions before people under his rule.

Verse 16 indicates that evidently Joseph’s attendants were aware that Joseph’s brothers had arrived,
and they must have reported the fact to Pharaoh.
Also, Joseph may have simply wanted this occasion to be reserved for his family members.


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